The Ordinary of Hoima Catholic Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Vincent KIRABO AMOOTI has appointed Msgr. Bonaventure Dr. Kyaligonza the Episcopal Vicar Hoima Vicariate and for the Clergy as well as Msgr. Deogratias Zziwa Episcopal Vicar for the religious.

The Bishop announced the appointments on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at Blessed Trinity Catholic Parish, Kibaale Vicariate while leading celebrations to mark his 8th Episcopal Ordination Anniversary.

In Hoima Vicariate, Msgr. Bonaventure replaces Msgr. Mathias Nyakatura who until his retirement on December 21, 2023 served several duties concurrently as Vicar General, Episcopal Vicar of Hoima Vicariate, Episcopal Vicar for the religious and parish priest of Bujumbura Cathedral.

Following this turn of events let’s look at these offices at a glance and their distinct roles.

Who is an Episcopal Vicar and a Vicar General?

Every priest is the bishop’s representative, but vicars act for the bishop. “It means the person holding that title has authority to make decisions on given matters on behalf of the bishop, what we call ordinary power”.

Who assumes this office?

According to Church law, Canon 478 par. 1 states: “The Vicar General and the episcopal Vicar are to be priests of not less than thirty years of age, with a doctorate or licentiate in canon law or theology, or at least well versed in these disciplines.

They are to be known for their sound doctrine, integrity, prudence and practical experience.”

The similarly titled episcopal vicar shares in the bishop’s ordinary executive power like the vicar general, except for the fact that the episcopal vicar’s authority normally extends over only a particular geographic section of a diocese or over certain specific matters.

By Fr. Patrick Museveni

Gorret Tumusiime

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